Photo by Silvie Tillard

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Photo by Silvie Tillard

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Photo by Silvie Tillard

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Kunstlabor I (2018/2019)

50 artists – 50 rooms

50 experiments on 5,000 square meters

In and at the former Tengelmann headquarters on Landbergerstrasse, the story of KUNSTLABOR began in 2018. There, national and international artists of urban and contemporary art worked on individual “spatial experiments” on 5,000sqm. Among other things, the numerous relics of the former office complex served as inspiration and backdrop for their works – mousy wallpaper became canvases, file folders became sculptures, and office cabinets became installations. On several floors, people sprayed, painted, hammered and artistically realized themselves.

With the friendly support of AXA IM – Real Assets and the real estate developer FOM Real Estate, who had brought the project to the Munich Museum MUCA before the planned conversion, the first KUNSTLABOR was created.